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The Art of Gratitude

As this new year begins, instead of making a list of resolutions that seem so similar year after year, I decided to make a list of what I am grateful for. I have discovered that focusing on all that is positive in my life keeps my spirits up.

This year I am especially grateful for the artists I am becoming acquainted with. Exploring their creative processes and delving into the wonder of their creations, I have discovered new depths of beauty and expression.

My gratitude list has allowed me to discover what means the most to me. Relationships are right at the top of my list: my family, my friends. Also high on my list are my senses which allow me to see color and light, feel warmth and texture, hear music and voices, smell flowers and bread baking, and taste chocolate and champagne.

I appreciate all the art that surrounds me, from the hand blown glasses I drink from to the paintings done by my artist friends.

I encourage you to make a gratitude list. Include the arts that bring you pleasure. Explore what makes you smile, then smile every day this year!

2 Responses to “The Art of Gratitude”

  • Randy Minnick:

    You have always been an artist, Emi. It just flows from you like beer batter flows from fresh dipped shrimp (I’m tryin’ to be an artist too, don’tch know). Seriously….you are an artist. I’ve known that since we were kids. You were simply “there” as was another such artist, Ced Brown (who lives not far from me and whose neck I hug every time we meet). I will share more about Ol’ Ran and his life of music and writing sometime soon, I trust. I still recall the unbelievably fun times we had in the school plays! What fond memories. More later, dear friend.

    Randy (randyminnick@springvillewireless.com)

  • Evana Croda:

    I love the way you express yourself about life. Your writing inspires me to be grateful of what I have. The art that I appreciate on a daily basis, right when I wake up, is the art of nature. I agree with you nature decorates our surroundings. We don’t even have to pay ridiculous amount of money for it; we just need to learn how to care of it. The color, shape, smell and beauty that we obtain from plants and flowers produce stress free momentum.

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